Male Sex Dolls are SO REAL!

3dprintedfuckboyYou just will not believe how real these are until you see them in person and feel them on the outside and inside.  Yes, you can get them customized with “holes” such as pussies or anuses.  Want a huge cock on a white boy you got it. Want a small cock on a Latin boy with blue eyes you got it.  You get it all with these Sinthetic sex dolls.  They are similar to the Real Sex line we reviewed a few years back but will put you out a good $25,000 at least.  Maybe we need a 3-D printer to print these boys out?



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3 Responses to Male Sex Dolls are SO REAL!

  1. Andrew says:

    Where to buy them?

  2. Andrew says:

    Where to buy them

  3. admin says:

    You’re probably better off getting one of these then adding the components to make it into a full sex doll because these dolls above are priced over $1,500 right now. You could also possibly get a 3D Printer.
